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Internal Medicine Services

Internal Medicine & Obesity Medicine Specialist located in Albuquerque, NM

Internal Medicine Services services offered in Albuquerque, NM

Internal medicine services include diagnosis, management, and preventive care for many health conditions. Specialist Edmee Rodriguez, M.D., in the office of James R. Tryon, M.D. PC, provides comprehensive internal medicine services to people in Albuquerque, New Mexico. If you need help with an acute or chronic health problem, call the office today or use the online tool to schedule a visit and get expert, dedicated care.

Internal Medicine Services Q&A

What are internal medicine services?

Internal medicine is a branch of medical care that diagnoses and treats a wide range of illnesses and chronic conditions. As an internal medicine specialist, Dr. Rodriguez has the skills and experience to diagnose complicated medical problems. She provides ongoing care if you have a chronic illness and care for acute problems that arise temporarily.

Dr. Rodriguez welcomes patients to her concierge practice who need help managing heart disease, diabetes, and COPD. She also assists patients with short-term illnesses, like the flu or an unexplained rash.

Dr. Rodriguez also emphasizes the importance of health promotion and disease prevention to protect your long-term health. She offers weight loss and weight management support as well as lifestyle counseling to reduce the risk that you’ll develop a chronic disease.

When should I seek internal medicine services?

Dr. Rodriguez is the first person you should consult when you’re not feeling well. You have access to her 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for urgent issues. You can also schedule appointments for sick visits and wellness exams.

Internal medicine services can also help with problems like skin rashes, lacerations, or the flu. Dr. Rodriguez also keeps track of your overall health through annual physicals and medication management visits. These visits can help her understand your health thoroughly, identify possible problems early, and adjust treatment as needed.

Internal medicine services also help you manage chronic conditions like COPD and diabetes. Proper support for these conditions enables you to avoid life-threatening complications and promote a high quality of life.

What role do internal medicine services play in my overall health management?

Dr. Rodriguez helps you coordinate care among your providers, including endocrinologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, and rheumatologists. If you need specialized care, she can also refer you to trusted providers in the community.

The office of James R. Tryon, M.D. PC, also provides surgical clearances and supports you during pre-and post-operative care.

Patients needing a qualified, dedicated internal medicine specialist should call the office of James R. Tryon, M.D. PC, today to set up an appointment. You can also use the online tool to book.